Article 54

第五十四条 衆議院が解散されたときは、解散の日から四十日以内に、衆議院議員の総選挙を行ひ、その選挙の日から三十日以内に、国会を召集しなければならない。
Article 54. When the House of Representatives is dissolved, there must be a general election of members of the House of Representatives within forty (40) days from the date of dissolution, and the Diet must be convoked within thirty (30) days from the date of the election.

When the House of Representatives is dissolved, the House of Councillors is closed at the same time. However, the Cabinet may in time of national emergency convoke the House of Councillors in emergency session.

Measures taken at such session as mentioned in the proviso of the preceding paragraph shall be provisional and shall become null and void unless agreed to by the House of Representatives within a period of ten (10) days after the opening of the next session of the Diet.

Constitution of Japan,
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Constitution of Japan